Convocatoria para publicar en «Economic History of Developing Regions»

Muy estimad@s colegas: 
Reciban un saludo cordial y espero que todo vaya bien en este contexto. De manera atenta, procedo a reenviarles el mensaje del Dr. Alfonso Herranz-Loncan, de la Universidad de Barcelona, quien como co-editor de la revista «Economic History of Developing Regions», junto con el Dr. Alexander Klein, comunican la recepción de artículos para evaluación en esta prestigiosa revista. Creo que las temáticas de investigación de los grupos que participamos en la AHEC han producido resultados de investigación interesantes que pueden resultar de interés para esta publicación. Atentamente,

Ronny J. Viales Hurtado 

Economic History of Developing Regions, ranked within the top 6% History journals in Scopus.

The editors of Economic History of Developing Regions are very happy to announce the publication of the 2019 SJR Scopus impact factor (0.46), which has placed our journal among the top 6% History journals in Scopus.

Economic History of Developing Regions welcomes articles on any period, topic and country of the Economic History of Latin America, among other world regions. We seek submissions with an economic history focus from disciplines such as general history, development economics, cliometrics, business history, labour history, financial history and others. Information on the journal, including former published articles, instructions for authors, editorial board, etc., can be found at: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rehd20/current.

You can follow the journal’s updates in twitter, at: @HistoryRegions.

Alfonso Herranz-Loncan and Alexander Klein


Economic History of Developing Regions